The Tapestries
The prints shown in this
collection are reproductions of actual tapestries which can
be ordered from the Helen Webber Art & Design studio.
Prices and sizes for each edition tapestry are shown with
each print.
the fabric collage technique
The tapestries are
fabric collages utilizing avast array of designer fabrics
which have beencollected over many years. Helen’s own
handpainted cottons have recently been introduced into the
collage mix.
Each segment of fabric is
surrounded by yarns of various thicknesses. The process of
assembling the tapestries involves precision and skill ,and
many hours of intense work for every square inch of each piece.
use my fabrics as if I were painting with big bold brush strokes.
The yarns are like lines flowing from a pen. And yet the distinct
edges of each shape define reality, be it the sea, or a singer.
I play with textures and shapes to createimages that people
recognize, even if the literal reality is transformed into
my personal expression." |